In Japanese, the term for acupuncture is “Shinkyu” 鍼灸, which consists of two Chinese characters representing acupuncture (鍼 “shin”) and moxibustion (灸 “kyu”). The earliest recorded documentation of acupuncture can be traced back to approximately 200 BC in the Internal Canon of the Yellow Emperor, an influential text from ancient China. Interestingly, this historical record does not differentiate between acupuncture and moxibustion, as both techniques were prescribed for similar purposes. Acupuncture is designed to harmonize and enhance the flow of vital energy known as “Qi” along the body’s meridians. By skillfully manipulating ultra-thin needles, an acupuncturist can guide and nourish this energy, addressing any deficiencies and imbalances.

Connecting everything together

Within the domain of Oriental medicine, we harness a diverse range of tools, with massage serving as a foundational practice that rouses the subconscious, drawing attention to neglected areas. At ShinSei Acupuncture, we offer various massage techniques tailored to each patient’s specific needs, such as Shiatsu, Do-In, or Anma massage. Shiatsu (指圧) combines the “finger” (指) and “pressure” (圧) techniques, while Anma (按摩) employs the art of “pressing” (按) and “rubbing” (摩). Additionally, Do-In (導引) encompasses the method of “guiding” (導) and “leading” (引). These massage modalities aim to optimize the body’s energy flow and can be employed independently or in conjunction with acupuncture and moxibustion.